Want to dive deep into Question building?

Then download our in depth guide on all the technical functionalities of the question editor, or have a look at our top tips on how to build engaging and reliable questions. 

The full walk-through of the question editor

For most survey builders, knowing how to use the basics of the question editor will be enough to build a good questionnaire. However, the question builders holds a lot of possibilities in the advanced functions that are worth exploring if you want to unlock its full potential.

In this guide, we'll walk you through each and every functionality of the question builder. Learn how lock question, create tests, embed media and much more.

Our top tips for question bulding

Building questions are an important part of creating a succesful competence model.  They have to be understandable, engaging, and a valid measurement of the competences you are working with. Have a look at our top tips for how to check all the boxes. 

  • Differentiate between questions and competences

    Questions are the aspects that combined make up competences. Therefore, if you want to have a valid reliable measurement of your competences, you need to make sure to have clear distinction between the two. For example, if you have digital communication as a competence, simply asking the question "Are you good at digital communication?" won't yield the results you want, because it doesn't actually say anything about what being good at digital communication means. Instead, use the questions to break down the competence into concrete, measurable aspects.

  • Help your respondents with explanations and examples

    A key factor in getting useful data in a self-assesment is making sure your respondents understand the question they're being asked. It might seem redundant, but when working with a complex concept like digitization, it's important make every question as clear and concise as possible. One of the best ways to do this is to include concrete examples of what you're asking about (e.g. specific work situations or digital platforms) and use help text to ensure that your respondents make the right reflections before answering.

  • Always beta test your framework

    This tips goes beyond just question building, but the questionnaire is an especially vital part of any framework. Before you officially launch your framework, make sure you send the survey out to a small group of your target audience to test it and give feedback. Pay attention to whether they understood the questions and found them meaningful in the context of furthering digital development in your organization.

Want an expert question builder to guide you?

If you need help creating the perfect questions for your Mapus platform, our experts will gladly guide you. 

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